Profile PictureDr. Saira

Dr. Saira Sabzaali works with adults from diverse cultural backgrounds who have been disappointed with past experiences of mainstream counselling and want to incorporate their cultural values and spiritual beliefs into therapy. She is a psychotherapist with a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and a special interest self-care and burn-out. Dr. Saira specializes in managing depression and anxiety symptoms, increasing family harmony, navigating love, and repairing relationships between adult children and their parents. She also offers women’s support groups, educational groups for newlyweds, and online training workshops. Dr. Saira has delivered two TedX talks and teaches in the Counselling Program at Stenberg College in Surrey, B.C. Her podcast "Sabzi Life" explores conscious living, and she has recently launched her YouTube channel, Dragonfly Wellness TV.

Building a Meditation Practice


Going Inward Meditation
